Your perfect website starts here - female web design and support

Your perfect website starts here


A Website That Reflects Your Vision, Aligns with Your Values and Puts Your Brand in the Spotlight

Your website is so much more than just a place to process sales (although it’s pretty good at doing that too). It’s a space for you to truly showcase what makes your business so special.

It’s a space to provide education to your audience and create a deeper, more impactful community.

Let’s work together to create a website which truly showcases your brand’s personality and helps you to reach your goals.

Fill out an inquiry form ⟶

Is It Time for a Refresh?

Your website is already live, but... she needs a little tweaking. Broken links? Old photos and creatives? Outdated aesthetic?

I’ve got your back! Let me wave my tech whizz wand and give your website the TLC it deserves.


Passion-filled Designing for Passion-filled Brands

As a female business owner, I know just how important your business is to you. I know the feeling of pouring everything you have into your business to help it grow.

And when you choose a web designer, you want to know they understand your vision. You want to know that they share in your passion. Someone to guide you, every step of the way, to create something that feels uniquely you. Let’s work together to create some magic.

So how much is it exactly?

Brand New Website

The price includes:

45 - 60 min call (strategy + design)

7 website pages

1 blog page + 3 blog posts

My SEO Package valued 750USD

Website SEO; Google Search Console
Google Analytics connection

Stock photo sourcing

Website training videos

14 day email support

Newsletter Setup

Do you have any questions?

  • In addition to my design fee, you will need to register a domain name and pay for a monthly or annual hosting plan with Squarespace or Wordpress

  • I invoice in 3 stages for work. I take a 200€ booking deposit to get on my schedule and for the strategy stage of our process. After our strategy call and our branding session, I’ll then invoice for 50% of the remainder due, with the other 50% due on completion.

  • My regular price per website is 1490€ and any additional page is 80€ per page (standard length).

  • There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the platform preference can vary depending on the individual needs and preferences of each woman.

    Both WordPress and Squarespace offer unique advantages and disadvantages. WordPress is a more flexible and customizable platform, offering a wide range of plugins and themes that can be used to create a highly customized website. However, it also requires more technical expertise and maintenance.

    Squarespace, on the other hand, is a more user-friendly platform that requires less technical knowledge and maintenance. It also offers sleek, modern designs that can be easily customized. However, it may be less flexible than WordPress, and some women may find that it doesn't offer enough customization options for their needs.

    Ultimately, the best platform for each woman will depend on her specific goals, preferences, and level of technical expertise. As a female web designer, I can offer personalized guidance and recommendations to help each woman choose the platform that works best for her unique needs.

  • Yes, absolutely! There will be an additional charge of 500€, and I can add up to 10 products for you. I can either guide you on how to add/update the remaining products, or I can take care of it myself for a fee per product.

So, what are you waiting for?

Let's collaborate on a website that truly reflects your business.

Book a consultation now to begin!